Master in Typographic Design and Application | LCI Barcelona

Master in Typographic Design and Application (in Spanish only)

Masters and Postgraduates | MA105 | Master in Typographic Design and Application (in Spanish only)

Learn how to communicate ideas in a remarkable, efficient and memorable way through typography

Using typography well is often the key to stand out in the world of graphic design. Everyone uses typography, but very few use it well. Choosing the right font, adjusting the kerning and determining an interline that generates a suitable gray is fundamental to achieve a perfect composition capable of transmitting a clear and polished message.

Designing without typography is possible but strange. On the other hand, designing only with typography is often the smartest way to effective communication. The purpose of typography is to boost and make a message shine. To transform a text into something clear, attractive and lasting in our retina.

Typography is the basis of writing. Although every day we read fewer newspapers on paper thanks to the existing digital media, texts remain the most important transmitter of information and, therefore, also the most differential media for creating the image of a company. Our master will allow you to specialize in the field of typography, learning to use it and even design it from scratch, drawing and creating your own digital fonts to apply them to your projects.

  • Degree: Master in Typographic Design and Application
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 academic year
  • Start date: October
  • Language: Spanish
  • Course type: On campus
  • Professional internships: Extracurricular (900h/company max.)
  • Tuition: €10,620 (cash payment amount)

The master is specially conceived for Graphic Design graduates who wish to further their studies with specialized training. It is also suitable for graduates in Fine Arts, Advertising and PR, Audiovisual Communication and other areas of Design.

It is necessary to have knowledge of graphic design and to master the Adobe suite.


Graphic designer and typographer who has worked with clients such as La Vanguardia, El Mundo, Ara, Novartis and Foot Locker. He is co-founder of Traphic studio, specialized in corporate image and typography, as well as web and app design. He is part of the typography collective UnosTiposDuros, whose website is one of the most visited worldwide, and belongs to the organizing committee of the International Typography Congress. His texts and works have been published in national and international magazines and publishers, and he has received awards and mentions in such prestigious awards as the Laus. He currently combines his study work with teaching.

Discover the projects made by our students through the Portfolio platform.

  • Graphic design
  • Typographic design
  • Editorial design
  • Art direction
  • Creative direction
  • Calligraphy and lettering
  • Management and organization of digital projects

Fill out the form on this page and an admissions and orientation advisor will contact you to provide further information about the program.

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