Master in Web Design. UX, UI and Prototyping | LCI Barcelona

Master in Web Design. UX, UI and Prototyping

Masters and Postgraduates | MA7WE | Master in Web Design. UX, UI and Prototyping

Screens are taking over most of the graphic design we consume. Specialize in user experience design to boost your career

With the appearance of each technological novelty that affects our devices (whether computers, mobile phones or the screen of a car), the design of the interface and its user experience evolves. This reality forces the designer to become a professional capable of understanding and offering solutions for all types of media and platforms.

The digital environment, moreover, offers us totally unusual characteristics of flexibility and interaction that place the user experience and the interaction space at the center of design.

Our master will prepare you to face the challenges of digital design in order to obtain professional results that respond to the needs of clients and end users. You will learn with leading experts and through a totally practical methodology.

This program is structured in three general modules with complementary units that contemplate the realization of a project.

  • Degree: Master in Web Design. UX, UI and Prototyping
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 academic year
  • Start date: October
  • Language: Spanish
  • Course type: On campus
  • Professional internships: Extracurricular (900h/company max.)
  • Tuition: €10,620 (cash payment amount)

The program is specially conceived for graduates in Design, Communication, Programming, Engineering or Computer Science who are interested in the world of digital and interactive design.

To access the master, knowledge of graphic design and command of the Adobe suite main programs are required.


Master in Advanced Studies in Social Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University, graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the Ramon Llull University and graduated in Digital Design and Electronic Art from ESDI. Currently she leads the Graphic Design and Communication area of LCI Barcelona. She also directs a graphic design and web development studio that works on generating innovative design solutions, placing the user experience as a differentiating point.

Discover the projects made by our students through the Portfolio platform.

  • Digital graphic design
  • Web design
  • UX design
  • UI design
  • Multimedia design
  • Interactive design
  • Design of digital interfaces
  • Information architecture
  • Design and development of mobile applications
  • Design and development of corporate identity and online advertising
  • Ideation and conception of new projects for the network
  • Art direction in digital projects
  • Management and organization of digital projects

Fill out the form on this page and an admissions and orientation advisor will contact you to provide further information about the program.

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