Official Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences | LCI Barcelona

Official Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences (English or Spanish)

Official Masters | MA7OC | Official Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences (English or Spanish)

A master in usability and user experience that goes beyond to design memorable digital experiences

This official program is aimed at training professionals in the field of interaction design capable of generating memorable digital experiences through the design of usable and satisfying graphic interfaces. In this master you will acquire the necessary knowledge in the main areas of digital design (user experience, interaction design and interface design) and develop creative and technical skills to carry out digital and experiential projects that add value.

After a formative journey through subjects such as research methodologies, digital expression tools, prototyping or programming, you will be able to train in the design of digital experiences, created for web environments or mobile applications or from the use of immersive technologies such as augmented reality or virtual reality. In this way, you will be prepared to face new design challenges that are increasingly present in our environment.

  • Degree: Official Master in Creation and Development of Interactive Digital Projects
  • Credits: 60 ECTS
  • Duration: 1 academic year
  • Start date: October
  • Language: 
    • English option
    • Spanish option
  • Course type: On campus 
  • Professional internships: Curricular (9 ECTS)
  • Tuition: €11,400 (cash payment amount)

This program is designed for people who are looking for a master in usability and user experience that goes beyond and integrates aspects such as interaction and immersive experiences.

Specifically, the program is aimed at:

  • Graduates in Design.
  • Graduates in Communication and Advertising or Fine Arts.
  • Professional profiles with accredited experience in the field of design or related areas: photography, art, fashion, etc.
  • Professionals, professors and academics who want to access a research doctorate.
  • Other profiles that can provide a creative portfolio.


PhD in Design Research from the University of Barcelona and graduate in Audiovisual Communication from Pompeu Fabra University. After her beginnings as a front-end and visual designer, her professional career has specialized in user experience design, researching and defining experience strategies for products, services and online communication. She currently works as UX research lead at CaixaBank.

Throughout her career, she has coordinated multidisciplinary teams in projects for agencies, the financial and cultural sector, public administration and the media. At an academic level, her research focuses on the role of interaction design in audiovisual communication and television.

Discover the projects made by our students of the Official Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences through the Portfolio platform.

All those professional profiles related to the design of digital projects:

  • UI designer
  • UX designer
  • UX researcher
  • Interaction designer
  • Director or manager of digital projects
  • Creative specialized in technology and new media
  • Coordinator in digital creation and manufacturing laboratories
  • Researcher in design

Fill out the form on this page and an admissions and orientation advisor will contact you with the complete brochure of the Official Master in Interaction Design and Immersive Experiences.

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