This program teaches a professional profile specialized in product design focused on the consumer experience through the use of new technologies.
The study program includes a theoretical part with the main concepts, theories and trends to be considered in order to conceive technological product design projects (mainly through soft technologies) that provide real and effective solutions to the individual or society. The students will be trained in project methodology and advanced concepts focused on the user/consumer.
Within the wearables module, the students will know the latest trends in design of wearable technologies (t-shirts that warn you if your back position is incorrect, bracelets that inform you about your health, shoes that guide you through an unknown city, etc. and all in real time).
The smart products module offers the possibility of knowing, experimenting, devising and developing objects oriented to the home environment, which is increasingly technological (intelligent lighting, the Internet of Things, etc.) and to those who live there. All these products are a reality and the beginning of many more.
The program is taught in collaboration with Eurecat - Technology Center of Catalonia, where some sessions will be held so that students can enjoy the most innovative technologies in its leading facilities.